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    I was very nervous about decluttering and letting someone see how bad the spare room was, I feel a lot of shame about my house. Jason was very professional, kind and made me feel relaxed, I didn’t feel judged at all.

    He wasn’t phased or overwhelmed by the room and made the process feel calm and achievable.

    His system is really simple and he kept checking in with me to make sure it was at the right pace, I was impressed with his service of recycling and offering to take items to the charity shop too.

    The room is cleared and he’s left me a detailed plan about how to organise items in the future.

    I’d highly recommend this service to everyone that needs a helping hand to tackle clutter they’ve been avoiding for ages.

    Anonymous, Levenshulme

    After almost a year of shoehorning things into a large miscellaneous cupboard in my day room, I realised for the sake of keeping my surfaces tidy I was creating a complete nightmare behind the scenes.

    No longer could I find anything I was looking for. It became a little overwhelming to confront the all mighty clear out that needed to be done.

    Thanks to Jason he not only sorted it out with ease into logical and manageable compartments with labels and “places for things” but he also made it fun, not to mention how much quicker it took than if I was to tackle this job alone.

    Jason was so easy to have in my home and I would most certainly use this company again.

    JC, Gatley